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After a crash-landing on the planet Trappist 1-e, a scientist has to find a way to get back out to the mother ship. Explore and interact with the environment. Learn how this strange world works to escape and share the greatest discovery of humankind.

Role : Lead Animator

           UI Artist

Tool : Maya



I want to create contrast between all three creatures by giving them different weights, timing, posing and personalities. 

This creature called Seer is an intelligent, curious and aggressive species. I decided to combine multiple animal behavior and mechanics. A lot of my reference for movement and timing came from lizards, snakes and rats. The frilled-neck lizard is also a good reference  for the skin flap on top of the head when it is threatened.


Walker is a gigantic creature that lives on ground.


I find it challenging to work out the foot stride and locomotion of this 6 legged creature. I looked at reference of spiders and crabs - I decided to have the front legs work like a biped walk, the next 2 legs move opposite to the front ones, and the third set offset the second set. This creature is huge and heavy, so timing and spacing are really important to get the weight to feel right.


Runner is extremely intelligent, fast and aggressive. It chases and kills the player. I use mantises as reference for the claw and ostrich for the locomotion. 


My contribution :

  • Directed all cinematic cut scenes

  • First-person hands animations

  • Creature animations

  • Camera animations

Here's an opening scene of the game where the spaceship landed on Trappist Planet

First encounter with Seer creature

Finding a way back to the ship while being chased by creatures.

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